Elizabeth Cunningham artfully weaves nature – with its wonders both
grand and intimate, subtle and powerful – into the fabric of our human
lived experience. Unflinching in her explorations of the seasons of
our lives, her lyrical and insightful poetry brings nature home to us,
and brings us home to nature. She calls up for us an exquisite poignancy
born of the ‘fragile grace’ of both nature and humankind; with all the
inherent vulnerabilities, and astounding beauty.
~ Barbara Brown, Artist and Author of the art, book, and film project,
Sylvan Reflections: Wanderings, Paintings & Ponderings from
the Forest
Elizabeth Cunningham takes us into the glories of living close to nature
and the rich gifts of all the seasons, while reminding us of the potential
of the perfidious elements of fire and frost, and the meaning of friendship.
She catches the moment when the cherry blossoms become the stars in
our shared universe.
~ Dr. Marcia Braundy, Professor, Tradeswoman,
and Author of Men, Women and Tools, Bridging the Divide
In Watching the Light Below the Storm, Elizabeth Cunningham
turns a photographer's eye and poet's finely tuned aesthetic on the
play of light across landscape – and across a human life. From the cold-weather
kindling of larches on the mountain slopes in autumn to the warm, familiar
burn of companionship within a marriage, these poems are exquisitely
wrought gifts that link the body to the land and one heart to another.
~ Jenna Butler, Poet, Editor, Environmentalist and Author of Revery:
A Year of Bees
Elizabeth Cunningham was born in Toronto and lives in Nelson B.C. with
her husband, composer Doug Jamieson. She holds a Master’s degree in Expressive
Arts Therapy, is an art and music teacher, photographer and writer. Elizabeth
was the winner of the Eden Mills Writer’s Festival literary award in 2015,
and runner up for the BC Cedric award for poetry in 2018. Her first book
of poetry, A Fragile Grace, was published by Ekstasis Editions
in 2018.