Beatriz Hausner The Wardrobe Mistress
& Other Poems
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Erotic, surrealist and musical, the poems of The Wardrobe Mistress, a first book of poems by Beatriz Hausner, invoke the notion of the wardrobe as the world where the keeper of the clothes is the keeper of the keys which unlock the inner secrets of people and things. Smart, funny and seductive these poems entice and entrance... a bold new voice in Canadian poetry.

Beatriz Hausner (nee Zeller) is a poet and translator who has published many translations of Spanish and South American poets and writers including Alvaro Mutis. She grew up in Chile. She is president of the Translators Association. She lives in Toronto with her husband and young daughter.

ISBN 1-894800-24-9
88 Pages
6 x 9
Now available