“Thierry Renard writes from where most people stop writing, or from where most will not write at all. He screams ‘I’m sorry’ when most turn around and dash out the hall upset. Renard has been dancing in hell with Rimbaud, but climbed out of that sort of jamboree because it is not where the poet is supposed to be. Thierry’s poem is a prayer repeated by meditating monks who wake up in the middle of the five-o’clock downtown traffic. Here, he lifts the veil of his hands and a Sahara sort of manna falls on everyone like grace.”
~ Antonio D’Alfonso
‘Lover of love, passionate actor on the world stage, fond of the spicy foods of protest, audacious, fiery, fraternal: this who Thierry Renard is.’
~ Jean-Louis Roux
‘Memory and the quotidian in a tight embrace, word-bites offered on wharfs, airports, flesh a hand can rest on, a thugcrasy, a wink to every blackness, blackness of night, poets, alchemy, raw language, often sensual, inventing its own shadows and lightning. Such is the poetry of Thierry Renard.’
~ Dominique Sampiero
Thierry Renard was born in Lyon, France, on 14 August 1963. His mother of Italian origin was from the Piemont region, and his father from Lyon. He studied to be an actor at the Conservatoire d’art dramatique of Lyon. His work as an actor and poet was noticed as early as 1978. He is managing director of Espace Pandora in Vénis sieux (Rhône) and Vice President of l’Agence Rhône- Alpes pour le livre et la documentation (ARALD).
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