Linda Rogers

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Between the heart and the head, poetry moves, linked by memory, in the conversational fluency and exquisite metaphor of Linda Rogers's new book of poems, Muscle Memory. In poems of compassion, longing and expansive generosity, Rogers reminds us that the heart is a muscle, exercised through benevolence and social consciousness. In Muscle Memory Linda Rogers dares to illuminate the heart with the light of eccentric wisdom and compassionate grace, writing personal and social concerns in playful and moving images. Combining a baroque sensibility with a flair for surrealism, the poet affirmns the abundance of spirit that manifests when the muscles of the heart and memory are flexed.

Linda Rogers is a poet, playwright, editor, and journalist whose work has been translated into seven languages. She writes song lyrics for the band Light, Sweet Crude and has an interest in causes that affect the rights of children. She has won, among others, the Dorothy Livesay Award, the Stephen Leacock Poetry Prize, and the Governor General’s Confederation Medal. Linda is the past President of the Federation of BC Writers and the League of Canadian Poets. She lives in Victoria, BC.

ISBN 978-1-897430-38-5
106 Pages
6 x 9
Now Available